Importants of Education - montessori, department of education, online education

Importants of Education - montessori, department of education, online education


Importants of Education - montessori, department of education, online education

"By Education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit. Literacy is not the end of Education or even the beginning" - M.K Gandhi ( Harijan: July 31 in 1937)
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" (APJ Abdul kalam).

Education is an important role in our life. Education must need through out of life for development of good citizen, determine good or bad and choosing suitable career. achieve Education no age limit. a growth of child time give proper Education for better future and compet with other students. 

'Kunhunni Mash' says about reading "vayichal valarum vayichillenkil valayum" you read more you do must, that increase your knowledge. Education improve your social value.

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