Best Calcium Rich Foods for Babies, Calcium Included Foods | Food chart for Babies

Best Calcium Rich Foods for Babies, Calcium Included Foods | Food  chart for Babies

Calcium Rich Foods

Best Calcium Rich Foods for Babies, Calcium Included Foods | Food  chart for Babies

Baby needs good foods for smooth growth. calcium, iron, vitamins, zinc all are necessary for good development of baby. All mom ensure baby food must include correct measurement of calcium. calcium helps to baby bone and teeth development. walking and running time need strong bones other case fell babies fracture.

Calcium helps proper growth, nerves system development, blood clots smoothly. upto 6 month baby got calcium through breast milk or formula milk. After the 6 month introduce calcium rich foods. calcium 99% store in bones and teeth.
Calcium deficiency has been liknked to depression.

How much calcium needs per day for a Human body?

1. babies below 6 months old need 200mg calcium per day. This will get from breast milk or formula milk don't give additional food.

2. babies 6 to 11months old need 260 mg per day

3. Others age group:
  • Kids (1-3)700mg
  • Children ( 4-8) 1000 mg
  • Children (9-18)1300mg
  • Youth (18-50) 1000mg
  • Women (50-70)1200 mg
  • above 70 - 1200 mg

Baby food diet must include calcium content. large population not get proper measurement of calcium. if you get Proper measurement calcium, prevent disease like rickets and other disease. In babies case mother's must care for healthy baby. high doses of calcium above 1500mg per day, it leads to stomach pain and other body problems.

The main source of calcium content included in dairy products like milk, yoghurt, chees. non dairy products are include of calcium like sea food, green leafy vegetables. In babies foods introduce dairy products.

Best Calcium Rich Foods for Babies, Calcium Included Foods | Food  chart for Babies

What are the Calcium-rich Foods?

  • Milk, one cup (237 ml) of cow’s milk has 276–352 mg
  • Cheese 1oz 200 mg
  • Yoghurt One cup 450 mg
  • Broccoli cooked One cup180 mg 
  • Beans, a single cup (172 grams) of cooked beans 244 mg.
  • Almond one oz of almonds (22 nuts)80 mg
  • Sunflower seeds1oz 50 mg
  • Butter milk One cup 300mg
  • Okra 1cup 100mg
  • Orange juice 8oz 300mg
  • Oatmeal 1pk 100 to 150 mg
  • Soya bean boiled 1cup 200 mg

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