Best Fruits to Eat during Pregnancy, must avoid Fruits during Pregnancy

Best Fruits to Eat during Pregnancy, must avoid Fruits during Pregnancy

Best 10 fruits to eat during pregnancy

Best Fruits to Eat during Pregnancy, must avoid Fruits during Pregnancy

Pregnancy time is a very happy and risky time. becouse, happy waiting for baby and 10 month caring is  very risk. this 10 month must eat nutrients and vitamins included food for baby health and our body fitness. pregnent lady includes fruits in food chart. during pregnancy have eating some fruits and avoid some fruits.

The Best 10 fruits to eat during pregnancy:

  • Orange
  • Apple
  • Mango
  • Banana
  • Pear Fruit
  • Avocado
  • Berries
  • Pomegranate 
  • Dry Fruits
  • Dates

1. Orange


Orange is best one. rich source of vitamin c. Keeps pregnent lady hydrated and healthy. it helps prevent neural tube defects, digestion and reduce morning sickness. it helps to baby bones grow goodly. it includes high source of water.

2. Apple


Apple include high fibre, vitamin A, vitamin c that help growth of baby. Apple content helps to get more energy to mother and baby's development.

3. Mango


Mango is very tasty. pregnecy time more women not like any taste, but mango taste May be like to all. it is a seasonal fruit may not available all time. mango is a good source of folate, mango packed with vitamin A vitamin C. it through reduce baby health problems like immunity complications.

4. Banana


Banana is rich source of vitamin c, pottasium, vitaminB6 and fiber. Banana helps to increasing baby weight. It Including rich carbohydrates content. it prevents anemia and helps stay healthy. 

5. Pear Fruit

Pear Fruit

Pear Fruit is a high water source. it incude pottasium, fiber, folate. pregnancy time have many symptoms. incude pear fruits in  your food chart relax from constipation. very helpfull for baby and mommy health.

6. Avocado


Avocado is the best source occurs vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin K. other content are include pottasium, fiber, monounsaturated fatty acids. During pregnancy best source for baby and mother health.

7. Berries


Berries have different varieties. like blue berrie, black berries, strawberry and raspberries. Includes vitamin C, pottasium. it reduce highper tension, fiber and folate rich antioxidant source and it helps to prevent mommy and baby diseases. pregnent lady must include berries in salad.

8. Pomegranate


Pregnancy stage have different health problems. pomegranate reduce the health issues. pomegranate juice limits injury in human placental issue. More specifically, the juice, which is high in polyphenolic antioxidants. protect cell death, reduced stress. Pomegranate juice helps to blood circulation smoothly.

9. Dry Fruits

Dry Fruits

Pregnant women eat dry fruits during pregnancy is best. dry fruirs not include water content important to remember contain high sugar. only take low level. include in more nutrients, vitamins and fiber. it bring to body high energy. overall all fruits are available dried like kiwi, apricot, raisins, pistachio, cashew, Orange.

10. Dates


Dates must eat in pregnancy time. it very useful fruit for body healthy. some time body changes afer eat dates like a miracles. helps to blood circulation smoothly. increase the level of blood. say about dates eats in first trimester does not include food chart. it helps to strengthen baby bones and teeth, prevent constipation and helps to energetic.

Avoid this Fruits during Pregnancy

Mainly three fruits avoid during pregnancy. this three fruits lead to abortion and misscarige.

1. Papaya


Papaya is very healthy fruits but during pregnancy not include. ripe  papaya no problem but care this time over eating. Unripe papaya is very danger during pregnancy. it is rich source of latex and papain. latex is very harmful to pregnent lady and trying to become a pregnant you must avoid it. it lead to abortion and misscarige.

2. Pineapple


Pineapple very nutrients and healthy fruit. pineapple include bromelain. bromelain helps to soften cervix and it leads to early pregnancy. In traditional side say not eat pineapple first and second trimester must avoid it. pineapple chances for abortion and misscarige.

3. Grapes


Grapes are not good in third trimester. it genearate heat the body, not good for baby and mother. avoid during pregnancy for more clear and avoid complications in last trimester. Grapes are very healthy and rich source water content. but final stage must avoid it.

Notes to remember :

  • Select only fresh fruit. Not buying damaged and low quality fruits
  • Fruits wash well before eat. wash them thoroughly under running water
  • Cut damaged area, bacteria thrive this spot that lead to mother and baby unhealthy condition
  • Fruits must be store in seperate area, don't store near raw meat products
  • maximum avoid packed fruits juices
  • when washing, don't use soap, detergent and others like this. only use hand freely, hot water. best one to wash use turmeric powder that merge bacteria and chemicals.
  • Buy seasonal fruits

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