Covid 19 vaccine suitable for pregnent or feeding women?, Covid 19 Vaccine to Pregnant women, Is it necessary?

Covid 19 vaccine suitable for pregnent or feeding women?Covid 19 Vaccine to Pregnant women, Is it necessary?

Covid 19 vaccine suitable for pregnent or feeding women?

Covid 19 Vaccine to Pregnant women, Is it necessary?        

Covid vaccine about many rumours spread pregnant lady not take it, if take vaccine in future have complications it is not a true. Government and ministry of health and welfare say about not problem to take vaccine it is your option. Self satisfaction have about vaccine you taken.

A pregnant lady came covid that 90% go a normal infection, not complicated. Only 10% only came critical condition. Pregnent lady & non pregnant lady compare time immunity power less pregnant lady body. Government included pregnent lady in high risk category. Others include in high risk (age above 65, heart failures, liver failures). pregnant lady not one live with baby, in case covid came chances to complications. If this time have blood clots It lead to risky stage. complications are pre time delivery, baby weight loss.

About Vaccine

mRNA vaccine in UK and USA already completed the trial. In American journal published 103 candidate Experiment, not see short time complications and their bodies produce antibodies. Indian government says about this, no problem found optional to take vaccine.

Chances to complications list includes lady age  after 35 pregnent, BMI higher than 30, diabetes, highper tension, already clotting disease history reported. Different countries are started take this vaccine. Taken Vaccine after you must check any 10 symptoms,  if any one you have must consult a doctor.

Breath problem, Chest pain, very Stomach pain, Vomitting, leg back touch time pain, Red colour in skin touch time colour different, Leg walk time any problems, painful head ache, decrease eyesight. Take vaccine within 20days above any disease you must consult a doctor. pcod, thirod patients can take vaccine, no problems found.

A pregnant who once fell Covid

Already covid came pregnant lady not take vaccine In pregnecy time. after the delivery you can take.

Future any problems?

You know vaccine produced with dead virus, it not a medicine. Upto current situation not reported after taking vaccine complications.

Anything problems after taking vaccine to Breastfeeding women ?

The new government guidelines clarify all doubts about vaccine, Which vaccine safe for breastfeeding women.currently in India available three Vaccines. Covaxin covishield and sputnik
co-vaccine is dead virus so, no problem. Covishild & Sputnik. powerless adeno vairus using change gene. it is more effective. it is not chances passed through
breast milk. vaccinated mother milk have produce antibodies finding through studies. antibodies fight with corona.

vaccine is it safe for mother and baby?

 Sure, a mother not protect self, protecting with baby's protection. it not injuct to direct baby only passes through breast milk. it more safe.

When their is no research how can we rely on it's safety?

Normal people body vaccinated  function smoothly same as work in feeding women body. only one change passing antibodies through milk. Any illnes you feel must consult with a doctor.

Tags: Covid 19 vaccine suitable for pregnent or feeding women, COVID Vaccines While Pregnant or Breastfeeding, pregnancy and breastfeeding, vaccine to women

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