Murivootti / Murikootti benefits - Wound Healer Tips | Chukkappi

Murivootti / Murikootti benefits - Wound Healer Tips

Murivootti / Murikootti benefits - Wound Healer Tips | Chukkappi

Murivootti is a top medicinal plants in ayurvedic. scientific name is strobilanthes alternata. Native to southeast Asia. This Name derived from uses of this plant, it's a wound healer. It is an overgrown ornamental plant. Mostly attracted this leaf and branches. Branches are dark reddish and leaf top side green colour and base is purple colour. It decorated with white flowers. It growing your backyard and see all ayurvedic herbs garden. Murikootti need only low maintenance .

How to use murikootti / murivootti for medicinal purposes?

Murivootti / murivootti is a wound healer. It is a best first aid for any damge in body like stab wound. Happened any wound,go to your backyard garden and cut some leaf from plant using scissor or knife. wash with pure water. Then leaf rub in hand, save juice. Leaf with juice just press some time in damaged area. Suddenly it will stop blood outflow. Best remedy for blood outflow and  wound healer.
Murivootti / Murikootti benefits - Wound Healer Tips | Chukkappi
Murivootti / Murikootti 

Women when using knife, maybe happened wound. That time give best solution. You should grow in your  courtyard. It is easy to cut suddenly in any fracture time. It is must need plant in all house, best and super power first aid. It is a best remedy for fungal nail. juice of murikootti, turmeric powder and henna mixed paste best for fungal nail.

Murivootti is a decorating plant !

 Murivootti can be a indoor and outdoor plant. New generation peoples mainly interested for indoor plants, it is best indoor plant. It is a air purifier with protection against harmful toxins. It growing in pots or normal place muddy. Now days see Hanging plant for ornamental purpose. Mainly attracted this plant colour, mixed red with green combination. plant get in all nurseries and ayurvedic herbs garden.

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