How to use Pregnancy test Card - Pregnancy test Card, Pregnancy test Instructions

How to use Pregnancy test Card - Pregnancy test Card, Pregnancy test Instructions|

Pregnancy Test Card

How to use Pregnancy test Card - Pregnancy test Card, Pregnancy test Instructions

Pregnancy test in two methods:

  • Blood test

Using blood through test the pregnancy hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). it is more accurate than urine.

  • Urine test

Now days pregnancy test is very simply check with pregnancy test card. you can take these at home or lab. if you check accurately sure, you can get positive results. home pregnancy test is very easy and quick. it is 99% accurate.

When taking the pregnancy test

You confirm pregnancy test after your missed periods or you feel any symptoms like omitting, tired that time you take a test.

How available the pregnancy test card?

test card is available  different brands in the market. you can buy through medical store or online without prescription. It will get reasonable price.

How to know the result of pregnancy test?

Results are showing on the card, positive and negative. shows the two pink colour line that is positive, only one line visible that is negative. If a Digital test shows through words like "pregnant" or “not pregnant". On the card marked as C and T. only C That mean negative other case positive.

How to check with pregnancy test card?

Your period missed or any symptoms feel that time you buy any familiar brand of test card and read all instructions.

  • break the cover, read all instructions.
  • take pregnancy card with care. collect urine in early morning.
  • take dropper use 3 drops of urine to testing area. watch the results. wait 5 minutes for result, visible two lines that means positive other case negative. if no line visible that means the test is incorrect again check with new card.

Information for safety !

  • Keep the product out of children
  • Must check expire date. expired product not use
  • External use only
  • Store cool and dry place
  • When Taking urine, don’t mix water. It may be vary the test result.

If You confirm through this test, please consult your doctor ensure the result. If any doubt you feel when testing, you must take blood test. More understand through blood test.

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