List of Iron Rich Foods for Babies

Iron-rich food for Babies, List of Iron Rich Foods for Babies |

Iron Rich Foods

List of Iron Rich Foods for Babies

Iron main role in body for day to day needs. Would you like your baby is very healthy and happy mind, you must give correct measurements of iron. upto 6 month gets through breast milk after introduce iron rich foods to your baby. baby need mental and physical health for ensure iron rich foods. Can’t get sufficient amount of iron in the body react diffrent type, this stage known as iron deficiency. Mainly this problem affect babies and women's.

Women’s pregnancy time Mainly face this problem. that cause doctors prescribe iron tablets, not only affect mother with baby. that may cause premature delivery and other problems. identify in first stage you can recover this stage you give maximum iron rich foods. today, more babies face this problem, not fear about this problem. it can change through balanced food or iron supplements.

iron deficiency increase time have anemia disease and affect baby all time growth. now not available nutrient food, chemical foods only. iron deficiency lead to decrease hemoglobin and blood.

Ensure your baby get sufficient amount iron and other vitamins. mothers must care babies foods. keep balanced diet for babies, when available overall vitamins. In the different stages of age, needs vary the amount of iron. You must know the baby’s requirements of iron for the body, give better iron included foods.

Why does iron deficiency occur?

1. Ignorance about your body requirements of the iron

2. decrease the amount of vitamin c.
If absorb the iron in body need vitamin c. you give maximum measurements of iron, but see the iron deficiency that reason lack of vitamin c. vitamin c must to body for proper functions. absorb process normal flow through only vitamin c.

Vitamin c foods 

Some Vitamin c foods listed below;
  •      Orange
  •      papaya
  •      capsicum
  •      strawberry
  •      Lemon
  •      green leafy vegetables
  •      Tomato
  •      brocolli

3. increase the calcium in body, when see deficiency of iron

4. lack of balanced diet

5. premature delivery baby maybe lack of iron deficiency because, more iron getting in the last stage of pregnancy

6. weight less baby


  • Skin discolouration. over white the skin
  • Baby too much tired, not active
  • Hyper activity. opposit of above symptoms
  • More angry
  • Lack of memory power
  • Lack of consternation
  • Intrest for like dirty , paper, paint.
  • Continuous any infection

Above any symptoms you feel you must consult your doctor. doctor will check your baby’s iron and gives suggestions or iron supplements. Iron main role in the body functions helps oxygen from lens to other body parts and helps to store oxygen in the muscles.

Age group           iron Amount of a day

  • 7-12 months             11mg
  • 1-3 years                   7mg
  • 4-8years                    10mg
  • 9-13years                  8mg
  • 14-18 Girls                11mg
  • 14-18Boys                 15mg

Mainly two types iron rich food class. animal sources and vegitable sources. more content of iron included animal sources. it have direct hemoglobin content So, fastly absorb in to the body. vegitable sources only slow absorption.

Top Iron Rich Foods

  • Red meets like beef, lamp
  • Chicken
  • Liver
  • Fish(shrimp,tuna, oysters)
  • Brocolli
  • sweet potato
  • Whole wheat bread 
  • White bread
  • enriched pasta
  • Wheat products
  • Rice
  • Strawberry
  • watermelon
  • raisins
  • Apricot
  • mulberry
  • olives
  • Sesame seeds
  • Black beans
  • dark chocolate
  • Sunflower seeds

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