Immune System Boosters / most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods

Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods

A good healthy body need strong immune system for body, for that follow balanced diet. immune system means body release some antibodies fight against virus, bacteria and other pathogens. for this fighting, power body need good immune system.

In this COVID-19 pandamic condition very important to immune system. currently, researchers can’t find correct supplements for COVID 19. when, immunity power need strong immune system for body. 

Immunity System Booster Foods: 

  1. Ginger
  2. Garlic
  3. Turmeric
  4. Broccoli
  5. Citrus Fruits
  6. Yogurt
  7. Almond
  8. Spinach
  9. Kiwi
  10. Berries
  11. Red Bell Pepper
  12. Sunflower Seed

An Explanation, here listed 12 immunity system booster foods.


Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Ginger main role for boosting immunity. It helps to reduce throat pain. ginger have more health benifit. When eating some difficult, so drink like ginger tea or chukk kappi. now available in the Market ginger included sweet items and spices. ginger using in chukk kappi it is a best for immunity boosting. Ginger helps to stomach problems and also helps to body keep as healthy. Ginger over use leading to another problems. only use minimum level.


Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Garlic is immune system booster. garlic prevent cold and other illness. it is available in all market. garlic used water is very healthy for body. over use of garlic leading to other problems.


Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Turmeric is a best source of immunity. it more spice and main ingredient all curries so, through curries get immunity Power. It is very skin care powder. It giving a best result in face skin colour.


Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Broccoli is source of vitamins and minerals. loaded with vitamin A,C and E. It contains pottasium, magnisium and calcium. potassium helps to maintain the nervous system muscles growth and brain function. magnisum and calcium helps to regulate blood pressure.

Citrus Fruits

Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Citrus Fruits are included very immunity power. it contains high amount of vitamin c. it promotes immunity system to produce white blood cells, which are need to fight against infections. so, must include citrus fruits in your diet plan.

Citrus Fruits:

  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • Grape


Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Yogurt is a top immune system booster. it prevent infections and produce vitamin D. you can maximum try natural and plain yogurt, that only contains maximum vitamins. vitamin D helps the immune system and natural defences against diseases.


Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Almonds included more amount of nutrients. such as magnisium, zinc, iron and protein etc. it contains high amount of vitamin E and a power full antioxidant. they are easy available in all grocery stores. Almond eat in different ways. like added with payasam, snacks, added with any cream items.


Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Spinach is a green leafy vegetables. it is super tasty item in green leafy vegetables also people liked this. It pack loaded with antioxidant and nutrients. it helps to your immunity boosting and keep Heath of eye vision, Treats Acne, strengthen bones, aides digestion, healthy heart, healthy hair and weight loss. it contains high amount of vitamin A,C and E. Main function fight against infections.


Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Kiwi is a tasty fruit. this keep in dry fruits items. It contains lots of vitamin C. so, promote our immune system. it also high antioxidant. Kiwi helps to prevent diseases like cold, throat pain, fever through this immune system. Kiwi loaded with other nutrients iron, carotenoids, dietary fiber, vitamin c, antioxidant.


Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Berries have different varieties like blueberry, black berry, gooseberry, strawberry etc. berries contain lots of vitamin C. It includes high amount of antioxidant and polyphenol. polyphenol content helps to boost your immunity.

Red Bell Pepper

Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Red bell pepper loaded with vitamin c and best source of beta-carotene. vitamin c and beta-carotene improve your immune system. red bell pepper contain vitamin c than citrus fruits. It helps improve your health of other body parts.

Sunflower Seed

Immune System Boosters, most 12 Immunity System Booster Foods |

Sunflower contains lots of nutrients. mainly vitamin E. Vitamin E important to improve immunity function. Other nutrients are phosphorus B-6, magnisium and also include high amount of selenium content. selenium  perform with viral infections.

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