Malabar Nut / Vasaka, ആടലോടകം benefits

Uses & Benefits of Malabar Nut or Vasaka, ആടലോടകം benefits |

Malabar nut - Vasaka - ആടലോടകം

Uses & Benefits of Malabar Nut or Vasaka

Vasaka or Malabar nut mainly have two types, small and large. Only small types consider for medicinal purpose. it is also find normal climate India. Plant grows in small height. Plant decorated with small white flowers and fruits are club-shaped capsule. All parts of plant flowers, fruits, leaf, branches is use for medicine practice. mainly use for cough and cold. it is simply growing at home. malabar nut is bitter taste.

Uses of Malabar Nut or Vasaka

  • Reduce the risk of haemorrhoids

Adding honey to the leaf juice of the vasaka, Effective for hemorrhoids and coughs. Daily intake of 2 gms of sandalwood mixed with 10ml of cardamom juice will reduce the risk of haemorrhoids.

  • Reduce menstrual cramps

Adding 15ml of water and 5g of jaggery twice a day to reduce menstrual cramps.

Uses & Benefits of Malabar Nut or Vasaka, ആടലോടകം benefits |

Uses & Benefits of Malabar Nut or Vasaka, ആടലോടകം benefits |

  • Helps to reduce heart disease, asthma

Take quarter portion of Crushed vasaka and mix equal water to a juice and include goat ghee and Vasaka flower. morning, noon and night drinking one teaspoon. That helps to reduce heart disease, asthma, shortness of breath.

  • Relieves body aches

Juice of Vasaka added normal oil then drinking, helps to Relieves body aches.

  • Good for haemophilia

juice of Vasaka with butter mixed eats all days It is good for haemophilia. Also effective for haemorrhoids.

  • Helps for vomiting and tuberculosis

Vasaka root crushed with milk boiling then drinking helps to vomiting blood and tuberculosis.

  • Helps to reduce asthma

 If you add honey to the vasaka distilled water or vasaka boiling with goat milk and eat it helps to reduce asthma.

  • Relieves from soothing noise

The pepper powder add with the juice of the vasaka. Eating together is soothing for noise.

  • Helps to relieve from phlegmatic

Take one teaspoon vasaka juice adding with one egg and prepare omlet that helps to relieve from phlegmatic.

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