Castor Oil - Ricinus Communis or Castor Bean Benefits, Castor Oil Plant Uses

Castor Oil - Ricinus Communis or Castor Bean Benefits, Castor Oil Plant Uses

Castor Oil

Castor Oil - Ricinus Communis or Castor Bean Benefits, Castor Oil Plant Uses

Ricinus Communis also called castor bean (but it not a bean) or castor oil plant. it is best medicine for ayurvedic practice. This plant native to Africa. It is decorated with red capsule type fruits and red, white or gold flowers blooming plant and leaves are presented green and purple / lavender. Flower blooms time summer or fall. poison severity of this plant to human high, poison part of plant seed and leaf.

The ricinus communis member of spruge (Euphorbiaceae) family. this plant cultivated in India, china and Brazil. Seed is rich source of castor oil, castor oil have wide varieties of uses.

Castor oil and other parts of plant have more benefits and uses:

  1. Hair growth
  2. Bloating
  3. Stomachache
  4. Back pain
  5. Constipation
  6. Gout
  7. Food poison
  8. Night blindness
  9. Waist pain
  10. Genital itching
  11. Increased breast milk
  12. Menstruation
  13. Back pain

Castor Oil - Ricinus Communis or Castor Bean Benefits, Castor Oil Plant Uses

Castor oil Benefits and Uses:

  • Promote for hair growth

It is thick consistency oil. if you get proper effect you mixed with another one same quantity like olive oil, almond oil or coconut oil then lower heat and apply in hair. it is best method for dandruff and growth for eyebrows, eyelashes, men's Beard and mustache.

  • Relieve  Bloating

Drinking white castor root decoration and water can relieve bloating.

  • Relieve constipation, gout, stomachache, back pain

Half an ounce of castor oil mixed with garlic in hot milk or hot water taken at night after a meal will relieve stomach ache, back pain, constipation and gout.

  • Food poison

If you feel anxious about eating poisonous food, it is better to mix one and a half ounce of milk and one and a half ounce of castor oil equally and get diarrhea.

  • Genital itching

When women have itching and dryness in the genital area, it is better to take 10ml of milk and castor oil evenly eating in the morning and evening.

  • Night blindness

Add 5g each of castor oil and cumin powder and fry in ghee then eat cure for night blindness.

  • Waist pain

Add one ounce of pure castor oil to one or two teaspoons of ginger water and take it on an empty stomach during the day to relieve waist pain.

  • Increase breast milk, menstruation

If the castor leaf is heated and placed on the breast for 12-24 hours, the breast milk will be increase. if heated leaf tied to the abdomen Menstruation bleeding will increase.

  • Relieve from back pain

The juice of crushed karinochi leaves is mixed with 25ml of castor oil. Eating in morning relief from back pain immediately.

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