Nutmeg - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Nutmeg Benefits | Jathikka

Nutmeg - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Nutmeg Benefits | Nutmeg Images | Jathikka

Nutmeg - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Nutmeg Benefits | Jathikka


Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) is a popular tasty spice. tropical evergreen tree (family Myristicaceae). spice is seed of nutmeg fruit. the tree give two popular spices: nutmeg and mace. The tree native to Indonesia and cultivated India, gautemala and other countries.

Nutmeg is a medium height plant. Very beauty structure tree. becouse, nearest branches and decorated with lots leaf. No need more caring to this tree, grow gradually processing. Iam recommend to all for this tree cultivation in your garden, because it is a very health benefits and earn money through sales. nutmeg trees may reach a height of approximately 20 metres.
Nutmeg - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Nutmeg Benefits | Jathikka

The nutmeg fruit is a yellow colour. When ripe it splits in two equal portions, in the inner side have a coated with red colour like a lice it's name mace. it two parts are spice. nutmeg spice is black color. nutmeg inside have a nut in round shape. it is very effective.

Health benefits of Nutmeg

1. Powerful Antioxidants

Nutmeg loaded with more antioxidant content. Antioxidants are helps to protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals. It cause protect Some diseases like cancer, heart diseases.

2. boost sexual interest

Nutmeg boost sexual power, interest and get long time. Some people use for medicine purpose for diseases sexual disorders.

3. May benefit heart health

 Some studies says that Nutmeg helps to heart health high risk conditions.

4. May improve blood sugar control

Nutmeg helps to control blood sugar in body. Effects of nutmeg reduce the blood sugar.

Nutmeg - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Nutmeg Benefits | Jathikka

Nutmeg - Home remedies

Nutmeg is a nutrient it gives more health benefits. Here given some Home remedies for some diseases.
  1. Best for stomachache
  2. Helps to Mouth ulcer
  3. Effective for bad breath, vomiting, heart diseases, poison, indigestion
  4. Effective for Vomiting during pregnancy
  5. Helps to increase sperm count
  6. Helps to sexual happiness
  7. Diabetes men and women increase sexual interest
  8. Relief from eczema and ringworm
  9. Helps to baby cry for no reason
  10. For healthy body
  11. Helps to epilepsy
  12. Best for joint pain, swelling and headache
  13. For runny nose, cold and flu

1. Best for stomachache

  • Nutmeg powder and one glass water boil until 5mint. this water drinking helps to stomach ache.
  • Nutmeg powder mixed with apple juice or banana can relieve stomach ache.
  • Grinding nutmeg and consuming one gram each in honey or hot water in the afternoon and evening will cure indigestion, stomach ache. It should be consumed for two or three days.

2. Helps to Mouth ulcer

Nutmeg uses helps to reduce the mouth ulcer problem. nutmeg fruit is helps for mouth ulcer.

3. Effective for bad breath, vomiting, heart diseases, poison, indigestion.

Nutmeg is powerful medicine in ayurvedic, it helps to prevent lots of diseases. Nutmeg can be used to remove indigestion, bad breath, vomiting, heart diseases and poison.

4. Effective for Vomiting during pregnancy

Pregnancy time have different difficulties. Nutmeg is effective for vomiting during pregnancy.

5. Helps to increase sperm count

Caste will increase sperm count. Chew with betel leaves helps to increase your sexual power.

6. Helps to sexual happiness

If you eat before one hour of combination, you will get cohabitation along with length of time. castor oil with nutmeg blend together applied on the men's gender, get the sexual pleasure will increase.

7. Diabetes men and women increase sexual interest

Nutmeg powder mixed with gooseberry juice, Effective for sexual decreasing caused by diabetes in both men and women. Through this remedy effective for increase the interest.

8. Relief from eczema and ringworm

If you grind nutmeg in your own saliva immediately before washing your mouth, you will get relief from eczema and ringworm.

9. Helps to baby cry for no reason

Children who are crying for no reason throughout the night will be relieved fastly if a take of honey mixed with mace and rubbed on the tongue of baby. But don't make it a habit.

10. For healthy body

Dehydrated body due to overeating If the body is dry, drink nutmeg decoction and coconut water.

11. Helps to epilepsy

Half a gram of ground nutmeg in cow's milk is effective for insomnia due to epilepsy.

12. Best for joint pain, swelling and headache

Applying ground nutmeg in breast milk or cow's milk with blend. this paste beneficial for joint pain, headache and swelling.

13. For runny nose, cold and flu

It is good to take a bath with crushed mace and coconut oil on the head of children for runny nose, cold and flu. It is also good to mix nutmeg powder with mustard oil and rub it on the scalp.

Nutmeg - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Nutmeg Benefits | Jathikka

Nutmeg - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Nutmeg Benefits | Jathikka


Nutmeg is a rich fiber content and helps to digestive health. it included lots of contents. listed below;

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Vitamin E
  4. Magnesium
  5. Copper
  6. Phosphorus
  7. Iron
  8. Zinc

Nutrients per servings

1 teaspoon nutmeg contain;
  • Calories 12
  • Protein 0 gram
  • Fat 1gram
  • Carbohydrates 1gram
  • Fiber 0 gram
  • Sugar 1gram
Nutmeg have large amount of health benefits but care, safe only small quantities.

How can earn Money from Nutmeg ?  

Nutmeg - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Nutmeg Benefits | Jathikka

Nutmeg fruit is dark yellow color, when ripe then  seen black seed. it was used sale purpose. take seed then change to a sheet. Choose direct sun area, after 2days mace seperate from seed. Minimum 4-6 weaks it dry and seed seperated from nutmeg black coat. ready for sale.

In India mace have very high market value. Approximately 1KG have Rs 300-500/-, mace have RS 1000-1500/-.

Nutmeg - Role in food Preparation

Nutmeg is a valued kitchen spice that has been used for centuries all over the world. The spice nutmeg has a very attractive pungent fragrance and a warm slightly sweet taste. it is used for many kinds of food preparation, it helps to increase flavour and taste. Portion of people like this taste. nutmeg and mace are used for biriyani preparation. 

Seperately, mace and nutmeg grind. this powder use to your food preparation. it was give very taste to your foods and health benefits. Useful for soup, bake items, tea preparation, puddings, potatoes, meats, sausages, sauces, vegetables and rice items.


Nutmeg pickle:


  1. Nutmeg fruit - 10nos
  2. Turmeric powder - 1/4tsp
  3. Red chilli powder - 2tsp
  4. Fenugreek powder - 1/4
  5. Curry leaves - few
  6. Salt - 2tsp
  7. Vinegar - 2tbs
  8. Ginger and garlic paste - 2tbs
  9. Asafoetida. - 1/2tsp
  10. Mustard seeds - few



Wash nutmeg fruit in under fresh water. then cut top Portion and wash again, after wait for dry. Cut fruit into small cubes.


Heat pan and put mustard seeds, ginger, garlic paste then add our main ingredient nutmeg fruit and saute very well few minutes. 


Add all powders turmeric, redchilli, Fenugreek, and asafoetida. mix all everything well.


Add salt and add 1/2cup water. mix very well let it wait for cook Nutmeg and masala coat into nutmeg.


Add curry leaves, saute very well for thickness of pickle. then flame off and add vinegar. wait for cool, after change to air tight container.

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