Oregano - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Oregano Leaves

Oregano - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Oregano Benefits | Oregano Leaves

Oregano - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Oregano Benefits | Kanhikoorkkal | Oregano Leaves

What is oregano?

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a species of flowering plant in the mint family Lamiaceae. It was native to the Mediterranean region, but today Western Asia and has naturalised in parts of Mexico and the United States. It also called origanum or wild marjoram. malayalees called kanhikoorkkal, panikkoorkka, navara, karpooravalli, neer koorkka. Oregano is usually grown as a small evergreen subshrub in mild climates.

This plant have different varieties. all are based on place climate. It is low spreading subshrub. Its leaves are light green colour with water content. this plant leaf and stems are useful for medicine purpose. Oregano decorated with has  purple flowers. It is closely related to other herbs, including mint, holy basil.

“Mainly two types of oregano European oregano (origanum vulgare) and Greek oregano (origanum heracleoticum)”

Oregano - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Oregano Benefits | Kanhikoorkkal | Oregano Leaves
Oregano Leaves

How to dry oregano leaves / dried powder?

  1. take leaves from plant to a big bowl.
  2. this bowl place under the water for clean leaves.
  3. each leaves are clean till remove all debris.
  4. each leaves are take from water then change in to a sheet or clean clothes.
  5. for fast result you this sheet change in to direct sun area place.
  6. keep the leaves in indoor 3 or 5days. after this days leaves turn to crisp, this step for longer shelf life.
  7. the dried leaves are put into mixer, then 1 to 2 second grind or crush with your hands.
  8. this powder oregano put in to air tight container. This process is done with oven. Get better results.

How to use Oregano in food preparation

Dried Oregano is an herb used to increase taste of foods. Oregano herb is a familiar from dishes that dishes such as pizza and pasta sauce. Oregano used for making many different varieties. like chicken curry, salad, cooked vegetables, soups and stews. It can give variety taste to your food.

Oregano - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Oregano Benefits | Kanhikoorkkal | Oregano Leaves
Oregano Plant

Health benefits of Oregano

Oregano have many health benefits. oregano useful to Both adults and children.
  1. Immunity Booster
  2. Best for Digestive System
  3. Contain Antioxidant Content
  4. Reduce the risk of Cancer
  5. Helps to improve bone Health

1) Immunity Booster

Oregano is the best immunity booster. ifyou added in your diet plan, you will get more strengthen power. it is a rich source of vitamin A and C. It gives more immunity power more than apple or other fruits.

2) Best for Digestive System

Oregano loaded with more fiber content. so, it helps to good healthy digestive system. Fiber content needs to our body for day today work. Normally a adults need 15grams every day.

3) Contain Antioxidant Content

Oregano included large amount antioxidant. It has lots chemical compounds, mainly contain carvacrol. carvacrol compounds mainly working body in oregano. this antioxidants can help prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals.

4) Reduce the risk of Cancer

Oregano have contain large amount of antioxidant content. it helps to prevent growth of cancer cells. carvacrol working has in body main role, it helps to suppressed growth of cancer cells and colon cancer cells.

5) Helps to improve bone Health

Oregano helps to improve our bone health. it include lots of vitamins and minerals. Some minerals are contain oregano are calcium, manganese and iron. This contents are goodly helpful to our bone health.


Oregano spice, dried leaves Nutritional facts values per 100g;
(data provided by USDA)

  • Energy - 265kcal.         
  • Protein - 9g
  • Carbohydrates - 68.92g                      
  • Dietary fiber - 42.5g
  • Total fat - 4.28g
  • Cholesterol - 0mg
  • Vitamin A - 1701 IU
  • Vitamin C - 2.3mg
  • Vitamin E - 18.26mg                   
  • Calcium - 1597mg
  • Copper - 0.633mg
  • Iron - 36.80mg
  • Magnesium - 270mg
  • Manganese - 4.9990mg
  • Zinc - 2.69mg
Oregano - Benefits, Nutrition and Recipe | Oregano Benefits | Kanhikoorkkal | Oregano Leaves

Oregano for ayurvedic medicine purpose !

Oregano is a best ayurvedic medicine. It also known as in ayurveda ‘panikkoorkka or kanhikoorkkal’. good remedy for cold, cough and fever. It is a cure for most of the diseases in children. ayurvedic views have different types panikkoorkka. mainly have 3 types. firstly light green leaves, it contains more water content. it is more used for medicine. remedy for fever and edema. Next known as iruvelikoorkka or chuma koorkka Only have less water content. best remedy for cough. next one leaves are boarded with white line, it has only less health benefits. mainly used for home decoration. but, it useful for catching steams.

Oregano see in all herbs garden. in ayurveda not can avoid this usage. It contains lots of chemical compounds.

  • Carvacrol
  • Cirsimaritin
  • Cystosterol
  • Glucocid
  • Olianolic
  • Tormentic
  • Pamolic
  • Forskolin
  • Cratigenic
  • Dihydroxy Olen

Carvacrol is main role in oregano. carvacrol working has a antibiotic. Use this extract in ayurveda. The leaves are heated to extract for more juice. panikoorkka use for lots of diseases medicine in ayurveda like arthritis, for immunity, control uric acid, best for headache, helps to remove kidney stones, control blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol, Reduce dandruff and skin problems, protect eye view. 

Side effects of Oregano

Oregano normally not another side effects. a healthy person use per day till 500mg. in case more amount of using lead digestive problems. childerns use only less amount. pregnent women, bleeding women panikkoorkka avoid in this time, becouse included forskolin content lead increase this condition. less amount of sugar, blood pressure person avoid becouse chance to become more less. lead to dangerous stage.

Oregano Oil

Oregano using  for making oregano oil. this oil is the extract of oregano leaves and add other elements. Origano oil is best for our body. oil knowns appears to be useful both when consumed or applied to the skin. oregano oil is an effective for  antioxidant and antifungal. it give more health benefits. it may help you lose weight and lower your cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of cancer.

Oregano Recipe

Oregano use in different foods items. it give flavour for the food. oregano added some foods are below;


In pizza making oregano have main role. oregano known more people through pizza. Pizza get super taste from oregano

Top Decoration

After food preparation add Oregano in top of the food you can get more taste and top portion of food very attractive.


Mix oregano leaves in your salad, it can help your body for healthy nature. you must include include diet plan.

Chicken curry

Make chicken curry time add oregano powder .it gives more taste of chicken curry and very healthy.


Make any soup add some oregano powder in this soup get super results.

Oregano chutney

Oregano chutney preparation steps are described below;


  1. Oregano - 7 leaves
  2. Coconut - 1cup
  3. Green Chilli - 3
  4. Ginger - Small piece
  5. Small Onion
  6. Salt for taste

Method of preparation

  • Firstly wash leave under water till clean
  • then wait for drain water from leaves
  • take pan and put leaves into pan, wait for heat. this time leaves are change colour. flame off
  • Allow to cool
  • take mixer put coconut, chilli, onion and salt
  • mixer one in 3 second then off
  • add our main ingredient leaves, then water add required on till paste form.
  • paste put into a bowl
  • It is very tasty with appam, idili and, rava.

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