What is Hibiscus: Uses & Benefits, Hibiscus Tea Benefits

What is Hibiscus: Uses & Benefits, Hibiscus Tea Benefits

What is Hibiscus: Uses & Benefits, Hibiscus Tea Benefits


Hibiscus is a flowering plant in the mallow family malvaceae. that are native to warm temperate and tropical regions. Mainly plant native to India and Malaysia. This flower have different varieties. all are different colour and bloom presentation. in india mainly appeared red clour others are yellow, pink, orange. Hibiscus known as diffrent parts of the world commonly known as "hibiscus", rose mallow, hardy hibiscus, rose of sharon. malayalees know as "chembaruthi". this plant, leaves and stems all are useful.

It decorated with 5 or more petals. It is a large flower. colour from blue, peach, orange, red, pink, purple and yellow. for blooming first appears small fruit then change to lengthy capsule slowly grow into flower. Flower inner portion to up appear a stick like a soft stick know as stigma.

It conataining several seed mixed with red, white and yellow colour. Hibiscus gives more beauty to our garden. in India have overall houses. it easily grow in pots and hanging pot. this flower more attracted to Hamming bird butterflies and bees. it is a perennial flower all year.

Hibiscus use different countries prepare varity items mainly hot and cold items. it give unique flavour and colour for tea and other items.contain more vitamin c content so,more nutritious. Dreid hibiscus are used for garnishing our dessert.

What is Hibiscus: Uses & Benefits, Hibiscus Tea Benefits

Hibiscus Benefits

  1. Lower blood pressure
  2. Reduce high cholesterol
  3. Prevent Cancer 
  4. Best for hair ( remedy for hair fall, dandruff, increase colour) good for all hair problems.
  5. Medicine for bleeding
  6. Control diabetes
  7. Helps to Prevent Obesity
  8. Helps to Prevent Liver damage

Benefits of Hibiscus Tea / Herbal Tea

Hibiscus tea is an herbal tea and easily prepare in home. hibiscus have  lots of varities. But hibiscus sabdariffa is most commonly used for tea making. Hibiscus taste enjoyed with hot and cold. It have more health benefits like,

  1. Rich in antioxidants content it ready to fight bacteria
  2. Aid weight loss
  3. Helps for lower blood pressure
  4. Some reports are study hibiscus helps to liver health and keep it work efficiently. It avoid accumulated fat in the liver
  5. Hibiscus helps to prevent cancer.
  6. It is a Very tasty, healthy and favorable tea

How to make Hibiscus tea / Hibiscus Tea Recipe

Today, available dried hibiscus bought from stores in a container.

Hibiscus Tea recipe


  • 1 cup dried hibiscus flowers
  • 8 cup water
  • Sugar ( for your needs)

Hibiscus Tea Preparation Method

Take a tea pan add dried hibiscus and water. then wait 1 day for hibiscus colour faded from the flower. After strain this water and discarded the flower pieces. add sugar and stir until dissolved. on stove after boiling off flame.

Strained water can add 5 ice cubes serving it chilled ice tea. Some people's are like this method. Getting more tastes from adding Some ingredients. like honey ( give sweet flavour like sugar ), lemon, orange ( citrus flavour), chilled tea with best combination cold soda. Cinnamon sticks, ginger. all are gives diffrent taste. You can choose hibiscus flower own garden. Dry the petals in the sun areas. dried petals are are ready for tea preparation.

Hibiscus have lots of health benefits. remedy for more disease. indispensable medicine purpose have in ayurveda.

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