Aloe vera: Uses & Benefits, How to make aloe vera gel at home

Aloe vera: Uses & Benefits, How to make aloe vera gel at home

Aloe vera: Uses & Benefits, How to make aloe vera gel at home

Aloe Vera family (Asphodelaceae) is a super health benefit plant. it is a very attractive look and very use full for medicine purpose. Leaves are green colour with some white small dots and a succulent plant. leaves two sides are set with small thorn. this plant have some varities. plant decorated in summer with yellow flowers.

Aloe vera grows hot and dry climate, orginate from Arabian peninsula but grows now wild tropical climate, semi tropical climate and arid climate. Aloe vera look like a cactus, people use for indoor decoration plant. This plant not need more care.

Aloe Vera use for consumer friendly product like hair care products, face wash, baby products, skin care products. It also used to make for skin conditions such as burns, wounds, rashes, cold sores, dry skin, acne and whitening. Some people said about Aloe helpful for hair condition get super results like hair grow, hair fall, dark hair. Aloe Vera gel use produce baby Pampers. aloe vera is a perfect herb for women.

Health benefits of Aloe Vera

  • Improve skin conditions
Aloe vera helps to improve the skin conditions. aloe vera gel helps to improve skin colour to white. protect from dryness and improve skin softness.

  • Remedy for diabetes
People also use for sugar management. Diabetes have different types. some types of diabetes people can help to control diabetes in the body.

  • Helps to wound healing
It helpful for burn, sunburn wounds. damaged areas rubb this gel, it help to wound healing and the wound scar will be reduced.

  • Contains antioxidant
Aloe vera contain large antioxidant content. it is very helps to our body. it can ability to fight against bacteria and infections. it helps for antibacterial, antiviral and anticeptic properties. Also helpful for skin wound healing and other problems.

  • Remedy for dental problems
Teeth diseases is a very major health problem. Aloe vera helps to prevent Teeth diseases like plague and others. Aloe vera mouth wash use some day you can know change this problem. Aloe vera can killing plague bacterias.

Aloe vera: Uses & Benefits, How to make aloe vera gel at home

Aloe Vera: Home remedies

Aloe vera have lots of home remedies for diseases. Alovera use produce soap in our home easily. it can keep body healthy.

For skin

  • For moisturition skin
Mix 4 teaspoon aloe vera gel, some turmeric powder, few drops rose water, 1 teaspoon milk. all are mix well and apply to the face. wait 15 minute for complete dry in your face.

  • To reduce acne and other face mark
Mix 1 teaspoon aloevera gel and olive oil mix well and apply on face. wait 15 minute for complete dry.

For hair

  • To reduce dandruff
2 teaspoon aloevera gel, half portion of lemon, coconut oil all are mix well. apply it on scalp and leave it for 30minutes. Wash it with mild shampoo.

  • Aloe Vera for Hair growth
One egg whites, 1 teaspoon castor oil, 1 teaspoon aloevera gel, 1 teaspoon honey and one teaspoon milk all are mix well. apply it on scalp and leave it for 30minutes. Wash it with mild shampoo.
  • Hair softening
One egg whites, one teaspoon Aloe Vera gel mix well apply it on scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash it with mild shampoo.

Aloe vera: Uses & Benefits, How to make aloe vera gel at home

How to make aloevera gel at home?

Firstly cut the aloevera leaf using knife. this Leaf have yellow lotion in cut portion. this leaves lean somewhere for drain off yellow lotion. then green colour skin are softly cut and avoid. now, you can see gel. take gel into jar, blend few seconds. Now ready… it keep minimum 4 or 5 days. If you need more than days, you must add preservetive.

Aloe Vera Indoor Plants

Aloe vera is a beautiful indoor plant. If You  choose any indoor plants in your home must pick. It give stylish to our home. this is a succulent plant and it purifying air. it helps lots of health benefits and prevent some disease like burn and others so, it is best indoor plants. it not need more care. this plant like only sun areas so, you choose near windows.

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