Brinjal: Benefits & Preparation, eggplant, Brinjal Fry

Brinjal: Benefits & Preparation, Brinjal: Benefits & Preparation, eggplant, Brinjal Fry Brinjal Fry

Brinjal: Benefits & Preparation, eggplant, Brinjal Fry


Brinjal (Solanum melongena) brinjal belonging to the family solanaceae. commonly known as different names in different parts of the world. in south africa, Malaysia and Singapore known as "brinjal". malayalees "vazhuthana". US, Canada, Australia known as "Eggplant", some others are calls "Aubergine".

This plant mainly grown in China, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Philippines. Brinjal is a super tasty vegetable. Brinjal have different varieties almost 15-20 and available variety of colours, shapes and from various countries. Brinjals use for many Ayurvedic medicinal properties. Very beauty vegetable.

Mainly see purple and light green colour. This vegetable inner portion like a sponge type and contain lots of small seed. Like tomato, eat skin and seed. it use for prepare diffrent varities. In 2018, India and china combined accounted for 87% of the world production of eggplants. This flower also white to purple colour.
Some see egg shaped brinjal and also have long types. It usually mild bitter taste, all are different in taste and texture. Brinjal is a rather small plant that grows up to 1.5m.

Health Benefits of Brinjal

It helps to prevent or reduce and give more other health benefits.

  1. Control blood sugar 
  2. Reduce the risk of heart diseases
  3. Rich fiber and antioxidant content. it minimise other diseases.
  4. Fight against cancer
  5. It may help to reduce pain
  6. It may help to reduce swelling

Egg plant or baingan plant are contain high nutrients. It gives lots of health benefits to human body.

One cup raw brinjal contain nutrients are given below;

  • Calories 20
  • Carbs 5gm
  • Fiber 3gm
  • Protein 1gm
  • Manganese 10% of the RDI
  • Folate 5% of the RDl
  • Potassium 5% of the RDl
  • Vitamin K 4% of the RDI
  • Vitamin C 3% of the RDl

Some other nutrients are contain small amounts.

Brinjal: Benefits & Preparation, eggplant, Brinjal Fry


Brinjal is a tasty healthy vegetable. Brinjal use prepare different varities. all are different taste. if you are prepare this vegetable, slice then 10 minute put in water. It for avoid bitter taste.

Some recipe are here:

  1. Fried brinjal
  2. Brinjal mezhukkupuratti
  3. Brinjal curry
  4. Brinjal cutlet
  5. Brinjal with garlic sauce
  6. Baingan masala
  7. Brinjal baji

Brinjal use have lots varieties known in different names in world wide.
some recipe discribed below;

How to make brinjal curry


  • Brinjal - 250
  • Oil - 2tablespoon
  • Mustard seeds - 1/4
  • Cumin seeds - 1/4
  • Curry leaves - few
  • Onion - 2
  • Ginger garlic paste - 1teaspoon
  • Tomato - 1
  • Salt - 1/4
  • Turmeric powder - 1/6teaspoon
  • Chilli powder - 1/4teaspoon
  • Garam masala - 1 teaspoon
  • Coriander leaves - few
  • Green chilli - 1

How to prepare Brinjal Curry?

Step -1
Wash brinjal then change in to a clean bowl as a small cubes.

Step -2
Onion, tomato, green chilli all are chopped into small pieces.

Step -3
Take pan then heat pour 2 tablespoon oil. Add mustard seeds, cumin seed and curry leaves. All are fry for few minutes.
Step -4
Next add onion, ginger and garlic paste and redchilli. fry until golden colour or smells comes out.

Step -5
Then add tomatoes and salt. Fry for tomatoes turn paste.

Step -6
Next add all taste items. add red chilli powder, turmeric powder and garam masala. saute until all powders smell goes away.

Step -7
Add main ingredient brinjal. Saute them 3 minute in medium heat.

Step -8
Pour half cup of water into pan. water measurements are change based thickness of curry need. Close the pan 5 minutes on a low flame.

Step -9
Feel brinjal cooked flame off (if you need this time add thick coconut milk. it is optional) very tasty and healthy recipe is ready. Serve this curry with roti, chapati or rice.

How to prepare Brinjal Fry?


  • Brinjal
  • Turmeric powder
  • Chilli powder
  • Salt
  • Garam masala

Preparation of Brinjal Fry

Step -1
Clean brinjal, all wastes are avoid.then take cutting board.brinjal cut into small thickness,shapes are your choice. Round is more beauty.

Step -2
In brinjal any recipe case this step is must not avoid. Take bowl full water and put into all brinjal slices 10 minutes.

Step -3
Drain all water content. take brinjal into a plate.

Step -4
Add turmeric powder, chilli powder, salt and garam masala. mix all powder with brinjal slices.

Step -5
After 15 minute wait. take pan and stove on pan heat time pour 2 teaspoon oil, then 4-5 slices set. Added all batches full into Pan. need oil more take break and add.
Fry brinjal ready... very tasty. serve with rice or other dishes.

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