Dandruff: Causes and treatments, How to treat dandruff?

Home Remedies for Dandruff

Dandruff is a commen condition. this diseases effects to all age groups, mainly start adults. It problem mainly affects scalp, other areas eyebrow, side of nose. today, available in market, online platforms different types of anti dandruff product. Lots of solutions are available in this generation. More people are use this product and some people recommended this product, but take decision after only doctor consultation. Some people get result but others lead to complications.

Skin affects diffrent types of diseases, not all are dandruff. any difficulties feel consult a doctor After only take decision.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff is a common conditions affected in to the scalp. dandruff is a cells removed from scalp, for the process of regrowth. It is a normal process to all. but in some people case increase the condition. in all our body part process this function for regrowth. in head, have difficulty because so hair lock this white flakes. 12 age above person more affected this problem. if you Not properly clean your head increase the chances of dandruff.

Some people use shampoo others shave hair to prevent dandruff. Through shaving you can do cleaning proper and no dandruff, But after hair growth in your head see dandruff double amount increase.

Not all dandruff is seen on the head, but other skin diseases can also be seen. Ensure for this problem  must consult your doctor. Some fungus and bacterias cause to become dandruff. Best remedy for this diseases treat against fungus and bacterias. Dry skin, eczema, psoriasis patients more chances to dandruff.

Home remedies for dandruff

All combination not proper remedy for dandruff. First consult your doctor and know about your skin problems. some combination lead to other problems so, ensure  about your diseases. some remedy helps to neat and clean your head. This remedy must try every 4 days.

  • Egg whites
Egg whites is very good remedy for dandruff. In egg only white portion is helpful. yellow portion give bad smell to hair. white is not have disturbed smell. take 2 egg whites Mix well, before 10 minutes of bath apply it on the head. when you bathing time wash well. It is effective condition for scalp.

  • Tea tree oil
Today, tea tree oil is easily available in all Market. studies found it is effective for dandruff. It fight against specific fungus that cause of dandruff and other skin problems. Tea tree oil include Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. 

  • Hibiscus 
Hibiscus is our garden flower. it flower leaf shampoo is very useful for dandruff. Take some leaf grind well and Take this juice. When bathing use this shampoo.

  • Lemon
Lemon is a highly acidity power. So, lemon use must consider about your disease. in case psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, is chance to increase cause of lemon. take one glass water and quarter portion of lemon juice mixe well. not increase the quantity of the lemon. It use before bath.

  • Fenugreek, Lemon, Egg whites
Fenugreek working like a cleaning agent on scalp . Fenugreek soak in night. In morning Take this Fenugreek and add egg whites, small portion lemon (it is Powerful) mix well. apply on a head.

  • Neem 
In Ayurvedic medicine treatment says, soak neem in water. Take in morning and wash head use this water. it can helps to prevent fungus diseases. it is more effective.

  • Porridge water
Sourish porridge water very helpful for dandruff.

  • Best food
Some foods helps to reduce dandruff, skin dryness. It can prevent growth of bacterias. Foods are curd, nuts, olive oil, some type of fish. it Keep skin neat and clean.

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