Home remedies for baby skin whitening or brightening

Home remedies for baby skin whitening or brightening

Home remedies for baby skin whitening or brightening

Baby whitening skin is all mother's dream. But all are different skin types, colour.some situations may be overcome use of different home remedies or some type of foods. some babies skin colour vary after birth. all babies are very beautiful and very innocent and cute. all mother's  thought how to brighten my baby skin for more look.

I have one baby boy. his skin is light dark. All time I thought how to brighten my baby skin. I am not ready to use chemical lotions, powder, cream. all time I thought how to problem face naturally. I search different vloggers experience, blog, traditional remedies. In my experience some remedies discussed below for skin whitening.

Urukk Velichenna / Vendha Velichenna

How to make urukk velichenna / Vendha velichenna

Urukk velichenna or Vendha velichenna is a very famous massaging oil for babies. I have not idea about this method. my mother and relatives are described. first time my mom prepare for my baby. preparation steps are described below. it is very difficulty process but very useful.

  1. firstly, take 4 grated coconut
  2. add grated coconut with 4 glass water in to jar. take coconut milk and keep in a bowl
  3. this bowl keep in a refrigerator not in a freezer
  4. take out bowl from refrigerator after 24 hrs
  5. that time presents thick layer on top
  6. take this thick layer into a bowl
  7. strain water. then change into a kadai
  8. add small piece of turmeric. it very helpful one for whitening skin
  9. flame on in medium and stir continuously
  10. After 15-minute can to see the oil coming from coconut milk
  11. oil change to golden color, that time flame off and wait for cool
  12. strain this coconut use strainer or cloth
  13. now ready pure coconut oil
  14. keep in a dry bottle and use.

Before bath, massage with this oil until 15 minute.

Carrot oil

Carrot oil is a best massaging oil for babies and for all generations. It is very helpful to babies whitening skin. Carrot also very good for our body. carrot use prepare different varieties. Carrot helpful for baby whitening skin. Carrot oil preparation already discussed in this blog.

Coconut cream

It is a very natural cream for baby whitening skin and get soft skin. this cream is very easy to make. above 6 step same.

  1. firstly, take 4 grated coconut
  2. add grated coconut with 4 glass water in to jar. take coconut milk and keep in a bowl.
  3. this bowl keep in a refrigerator not in a freezer.
  4. take out bowl from refrigerator after 24 hrs.
  5. that time presents thick layer on top.
  6. take this thick layer into a bowl and close.

1/2 hour before use bowl take from fridge and this scrub use massage in baby’s skin and wait some time for bath. it use maximum all days. this cream keep only for 1 weak.


Some type of foods are improve skin conditions like carrot, tomato, walnut , turmeric etc. foods are main ingredient for improve skin.

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