Moringa Drumsticks | Moringa Miracle Tree for Nutritional and Pharmaceutical

Growing Moringa Drumsticks | Moringa Miracle Tree for Nutritional and Pharmaceutical
Moringa Tree 

Moringa Drumsticks | Moringa Miracle Tree for Nutritional and Pharmaceutical

Moringa oleifera or drumstick tree is a plant that has been used for herbal medicine thousands of years. It loaded with healthy antioxidants content and bioactive plant compounds. Moringa oleifera is a fast-growing, vegitable plant and ayurvedic medicine tree of the family Moringaceae. native to the Indian subcontinent. all part of this plant edible and useful. The bark, sap, roots, leaves, seeds and flowers all are used for traditional medicine.

Common names are moringa, drumstick tree, horseradish tree, and ben oil tree or benzolive tree. Muringa oleifera is a fastest-growing and It can reach a height of 10–12 metres. The tree bark has a whitish-gray color and is surrounded by thick cork. Young plants have purplish or greenish-white. It leaves build up with different small branch and have small leaves, the tree look is very beautiful. The flowers are fragrant and hermaphroditic, It’s flowers are in clusters and yellowish-white petals. 

India is the largest producer of moringa. generally, moringa grows in the wild or is cultivated in Central America and the Caribbean, northern countries of South America, Africa and various countries of Oceania.

Moringa Leaves

Moringa, It used as vegetables and for traditional herbal medicine. this leaves are most nutritious and contains rich antioxidant. It is a source of  vitamins B, vitamin C, provitamin A as beta-carotene, vitamin K, manganese, and protein. It also used for water purification, normal eye problems, stomach problems. some studies says muringa may lower sugar levels.

Moringa contains rich source of vitamins and minerals. Moringa also contains calcium and phosphorous, which help keep bones healthy and strong. the leaves have used in many ways. It uses to prepare some capsule for more diseases. Moringa leaves have been used to malnutrition, especially useful for infants and nursing mothers.

Moringa leaves using to produce cooking oil. Moringa oleifera leaf powder best one for soap making and hand washing when wetted in advance to enable anti-septic and detergent properties from phytochemicals in the leaves. moringa contained  protein, also helpful in protecting skin cells from damage. Moringa also contains hydrating and detoxifying elements, which also improves skin tone.


Moringa leaves excellent source nutrition. 1 cup of (21 grams) chopped leaves contains:

  • Protein : 2grams
  • Vitamin B6 : 19% of the RDA
  • Vitamin c : 12% of the RDA
  • Iron : 11% of the RDA
  • Riboflavin (B2) : 11% of the RDA
  • Vitamin A ( from beta carotene) : 9% of the RDA
  • Magnesium : 8% of the RDA

Drum Stick

The muringa fruits, commonly known as "drumsticks". it is a part of vegetables in South Asia. They are prepared commonly cut into shorter lengths, and cooked in a curry or soup until soft. it is very nutritious, and immature seeds contained inside all are edible. It also a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, and manganese.
Drum stick is very important ingredient in sambar. Drum stick have more health benefits. Moringa seed oil is best one for protecting hair against free radicals and keeps it clean and healthy.

Ref. : Wikipedia, Health Line

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