Apple: Health Benefits, Nutrition, and Recipe

Apple: Health Benefits, Nutrition, and Recipe
Apple Fruit 🍎 


Benefits of eating Apple, Eating Apple Empty Stomach

Apple: Health Benefits, Nutrition, and Recipe

An Apple is a red color edible fruit. Apple trees are cultivated worldwide but most popular in United States. Apples grown from seed or used grafting method.

An apple has lots of health benefits and offer more nutrients to body. An apple has available in different varieties, different in shape, color, size, texture. An apple used in different ways cooking purpose, eating raw apple, for preparation of tasty items, cider production. You’ve commonly heard about eating apple  “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Apple has different varieties like Fuji, gala, red delicious, McIntosh, honey Crisp. An Apple contains large amount of antioxidants. it can help protect against serious diseases.

A raw apple is 86% water and 14% carbohydrates, with negligible content of fat and protein (table).  Daily one apple eating through get good health. apple’s another name is "miracle fruit".

Health benefits of Apple

Apple has lots of health benefits. Apples loaded with antioxidants and fiber contents. It helps to reduce weight loss. If you eating whole apples you will get good feelings and fullness for up to 4 hours longer. This through whole apples reduce gastric emptying and helps to you reduce weight loss. Apple contained soluble fiber can help lower your blood cholesterol levels.

Eating apples may also reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Apple is a good fruit for diabetics persons, not increase your diabetes. It is a best one remedy for fight against asthama. An Apple contains large amount of antioxidants it can help protect against serious diseases.

In apples contained flavonoids may offer more effects against certain types of cancers. it can avoid chance of certain types of cancer lung, breast, and digestive tract cancers and also helps to your immune system, your brain (like Alzheimer’s disease and other), better for bone health.

Apple nutrition facts

Nutrition facts for the one raw unpeeled apple. A medium size apple (100 grams);

  1. Calories - 52
  2. Water - 86%
  3. Protein - 0.3 grams
  4. Carbs - 13.8grams
  5. Sugar - 10.4grams
  6. Fiber - 2.4grams
  7. Fat - 0.2 grams 

In an Apple contain large amount of vitamins and minerals. Mainly vitamin c and potassium. vitamin c working in your body to a antioxidants. this are more important to your body.

Potassium helps to keep good heart health system in your body. Apple contained other compounds are Quercetin, Catechin, Chlorogenic acid.

Role in food - Apple 🍎 

Apples can be consumed in different ways  used raw used in salads, juice,  baked in pies, cooked into sauces and spreads like apple butter, and Apples are an important ingredient in many desserts, such as fruits salad, apple pie, apple chips and apple cake.

Apples are also made into apple butter, apple jelly, apple pudding apple used all varieties are very tasty and good for your health. Apple has important role in fruits items. Apple oil also used for preparation of cosmetics.

Ref: Wikipedia, healthline WebMD

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