13 Natural remedies for reducing stress and anxiety

13 Natural remedies for reducing stress and anxiety

13 Natural remedies for reducing stress and anxiety

How to relieves from stress and anxiety? It is a problem of all human beings. If you feel increase your stress and anxiety, you must consult a doctor. Stress may come through job related or family and education etc.

My Some simple tips below, that helps you to reduce your stress.

1. Avoid overthinking

Avoid overthinking in your life. Overthinking chance to increase stress and tension. It not good to our life .Any matter related increase your thoughts that may effect your life cycle. thinking only minimum level.
Main one reason is thinking continuously, it chance to stress. That time maximum engaged in other activities. overthinking affect our sleep and day today activities.

2. Family and friends 

Maximum communicate with friends and family. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Interact with peoples through get good relaxation from stress. Good friends circle can improve overall mental health. If you don't have good communication circle,you should go club or social works. It also all are helps to our mental health. 

3. Sleeping correctly

Sleeping is a important things in our life. You must try to sleep in correct time every day. Sleeping is don't avoid in your plan. If you have do any work,you do after find sleep time. Sleep can start a new beginning. Sleeping through get good relaxation from stress.

4. Stress problems maximum avoid in your mind

Maximum try to avoid stress problems in your mind. You can't forget problem in that time. But, you try to minimise. You try to enjoy your other activities.

5. Enjoy your self and active 

You Must doing anything for refreshments of mind. Engaged in other activities,it helps to reduce the stress. Watching comedy movies, spend with friends, play. Engaged in this types of enjoyment activities.

6. Clean body 

When keep clean body,It through get good freshness and it can minimise our over load. You try to  bath daily and wear clean dress. It can give full freshness of your body.
It helps to reduce stress and anxiety. 

7. follow a healthy diet

Follow a healthy diet . Your diet affects every thing of your health, including your mental health. Deficiency of any nutrients or vitamins may chance to increase mental stress so, include all items your food chart.This foods are include in your diet vegetables,Nuts ,fruits,Fish,beans,

8. Control mobile using 

It has chance to increase our stress levels. All studies says that our screen time leads to health issues and it increase the level of stress. Mobile over using is a addiction. You must avoid mobile screen time.

9. Avoid unhealthy habits

Avoid unhealthy habits means alcohol, cigarette and other unhealthy foods. It's are maximum avoid. Because, all are bad affects to our body. It through chance to increase our stress levels.

10. Spend time with nature,pets,garden

It's through get good mind and relaxation from our problems. you should spend with your garden or pets, nature in the free time. It can helps to minimise our stress.

11. Excercise

Excercise is a another good one stress control activity. Excercise have different types. you choose your comfortable one. Other one is Participating in Yoga or any other activities.

12. Music 

You try to hear your liked musics ,it will reduce your Stress and anxiety. It has power to change our mood.

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