5 Home And Natural Remedies For Toothache

5 Home And Natural Remedies For Toothache
5 Home And Natural Remedies For Toothache

The most common causes of dental pain are Infection, injury, decay or loss of a tooth. If you feel like small or temporary pain, you can try any home remedies. Other case you feel something more serious. The better
option is seeing a doctor. This blog below include simple remedies made from ingredients usually available at home. It may be provide only temporary relief from the toothache.

1. Ice 

Ice pack can reduce the toothache. Hold a ice pack on the affected area until 15 minutes. It may helps to ease the pain. It provide only temporary pain relief. When pain time you cannot get a ice pack, simply take a cover of vegetables, fruits from your freezer then hold on your cheek. 

2. Clove

It is an active ingredient in many dental products. Clove is a old solution for toothache. It is a best one natural remedies for toothache. It contains antiseptic properties, that helps to reduce the pain. Clove oil not recommended to children. Place the clove oil soaked cotton on the affected area and let it sit for 5 minutes. 

3. Salt water

Salt water is a simple remedy for toothache. Boiling time mix half teaspoon of salt to 9 ounce water. After, the warm swish around in the mouth just 3 minutes, then spit out. If you have need more , you repeat this process.

It also helps to other teeth problems and mouth smell . Salt water has power to fight with bacterias in mouth. Salt water can also relive from sour throat.

4. Peppermint tea

It is another one effective soothe for toothache. It contains antibacterial properties. It has two methods of using.

First, take one cup of water, when boiling time add 1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves and steep 15 minutes. After allowing to cool, Then swishing around the mouth. After spit out.

This method get only temporary relief.
Take slightly warm water , the wet tea bag held on affected area several minutes until the pain less. 

5. Garlic 

Garlic is also a pain reliever. One methode, make a paste using crushed garlic that you can apply to your affected area. Second, mix a crushed clove of garlic with a pinch of rock salt, and apply it around your tooth or chew on a peeled clove of garlic. Let the chewed clove rest on the tooth. Garlic can kill the bacterias and relax from the pain.

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