9 Tips to Sleep Better at Night

9 Tips to Sleep Better at Night

9 Tips to Sleep Better at Night 

Sleeping is a good rest to our body. Regular sleeping time is every day end. It means night time. If you get good sleep in a day, you will feel better starting in next day. I experienced. I wasn't fix proper time to my sleep. So, I was very tired and unhealthy in every morning. After, l learned about my tiredness. I realised my correct problem and I changed it. If you don't get good sleep at night, you must know about it's reasons. Other case, it Will effect your health. Good sleep is must for our physical and mental wellbeing. If you have any difficulties in sleep, you should try to recover this problems and control your life. Sleeping is important routine in our Life. It has some tips to get sleep. If You experience more difficulties in sleeping, You must take an appointment to doctor. Home remedies are:

Don't consume caffeine and alcohol at night

Caffeine items is not good in night time. This category include tea, coffee, alcohol and sodas. All are lead to fall sleep. Above items are avoid in nearest time of sleep. If you consume in night time,it will give more energy than before time. So, our body isn't ready to go bed. Then,we are thoughts I am ready to engage other activities.


When you don't get correct sleep, Fix a proper time to sleep. Consistent sleeping and consistent wake up time helpful to you . You should ready for sleep in early night. It will help you to get continuous sleeping . If you choose late time to sleep at night, it will effect your sleep. So, maximum try to have dinner at 7.00. one or three hour after go to bed . Set alarm same time each day.


Excercise is a good one for our body. Every day excercise helps to get good physical and mental health. It helps to reduce stress, depression and other mental illness. It also help you get good sleep at night. Excercise reduce some health issues. All are good for our sleep 

30 minutes relax

If you think to sleep at 8.30, you should go to bed in 30 minutes before. It means relaxing time. Avoid bad thoughts in that day, you can set cool mind . It will helps to get good mind and better sleep.

Set alarm

Some people says, alarm not a good one. I think it is good to sleep. Because,we will get free sleep. Other case we will check time for wake up. It will effect our sleep. 


Choose a better environment for sleep. Select a clean bed area to get comfortable sleeping. You set dark light in the room and suitable temperature for quite sleep. Environment is a important factor of sleep. Avoid noises in bed room. It will keep quiet and friendly room . Avoid like people sound, music etc.

Electronic device

When you go to bed, avoid all electronic devices. Like camputer, laptop, tablet, mobile phones and connected devices. The light from these electronic device can reduce the quality of sleep and leads to fall sleep.


Choose light food items for dinner. Eat dinner early night. If you eat hardest meals lik fast food, it will effect digestion. Digestion issue make tiredness. You don't get proper sleeping.


Bed time choose loose and simple dress. It is more suitable to sleep. Fix a dress for bed time. It will give refreshment mind. If you wear tight dress, it will effect your sleep. you can't sleep better.

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